Lateral Band Walks

Also known as: Monster walks, side steps, lateral band walks

Beginner to intermediate

Exercise Band

Glute and Hip Strengthening, Motor Control


One of my favorite exercises for hip stability and glute activation - the Banded Lateral Walk. 

Banded Lateral Walks are a targeted resistance exercise that involves stepping sideways against band resistance while maintaining proper hip and knee alignment. This compound movement primarily strengthens the hip abductors while engaging the entire lateral hip stabilization system.

  • Overview

  • Prerequisites

  • Execution

  • Safety

  • Progressions

  • Pro Tips

About the Author

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I'm Joe Armeli, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a movement enthusiast, and a fellow runner. I'm here to help you achieve your physical health and performance goals, whether you're just starting to run or are a seasoned vet. For questions or concerns, email me at [email protected]. Look forward to hearing from you!
