KT Tape for Runners: Navigating the Treatment of Shin Splints



by Joe Armeli | Doctor of Physical Therapy

A picture showing a runner with shin splints using KT Tape for their shin splints with text overlay of the title of the article "KT Tape for Runners: Navigating treatments for shin splints".

Key Points: KT Tape for Shin Splints

What is KT Tape: A specialized, elastic sports tape providing muscle and joint support while allowing full movement.

Advantages Over Conventional Tape: Lightweight, stretchable, can be worn for several days without restricting movement.

Effectiveness: Creates space under the skin to reduce pain, enhances blood flow. 

Benefits for Shin Splints: Reduces pain, supports injured area, accelerates healing, allows normal activity.

Application Method: Specific technique involving stretching and placement; instructional resources available online.

Accessibility and Cost: Affordable, widely available, and can be self-applied.

Limitations: Supplementary to traditional treatments; does not address underlying causes of shin splints.

Conclusion: Effective as part of a comprehensive treatment approach for shin splints and other sports injuries.

What is KT Tape? 

Picture showing KT tape which can be used for shin splints.

Kinesiology Therapeutic (KT) Tape is a specialized form of elastic sports tape designed to support muscles and joints while maintaining a full range of motion. Originating from the concept of kinesiology, the study of body movement, KT Tape gained popularity in the 1970s through its use by chiropractors and orthopedists. 

This innovative tape differs from conventional athletic tapes; it's lightweight, stretchable, and capable of being worn for several days, providing continuous support without restricting movement. 

Its application has become widespread in sports, with athletes across various disciplines using it for injury prevention and recovery. 

The tape's elastic properties mimic the skin's elasticity, making it a versatile tool for treating a range of musculoskeletal and sports-related injuries, including shin splints.

The Science Behind KT Tape for Shin Splints 

The effectiveness of KT Tape in managing shin splints lies in its unique design and application method, which collectively support the underlying muscles and tissues. When applied correctly, the tape slightly lifts the skin, creating a microscopic space between the skin and the tissues underneath. This space is believed to reduce inflammation, decrease pressure on pain receptors, and improve blood and lymphatic flow in the taped area. These physiological changes can contribute to a reduction in the pain of shin splints.

Comparatively, traditional treatment methods for shin splints include rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy. While these conventional treatments are effective, KT Tape offers a distinct advantage by allowing active individuals to continue their activities with less discomfort.

It does not replace these traditional methods but rather complements them, offering an alternative or adjunctive treatment approach. 

Research studies have shown varied results regarding the efficacy of KT Tape, with some suggesting significant benefits in pain management and others indicating more research is needed. Nonetheless, its widespread use in sports and physical therapy settings underscores its perceived benefits among professionals and athletes.

A systematic review, titled "A Review of the Therapeutic and Protective Effects of Kinesio Taping and Foot Orthosis in Patients With Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome" (2023), highlights the efficacy of KT in reducing peak plantar pressure, pain, and improving function in patients with MTSS. 

Another study, "Comparison of effectiveness of kinesio taping with nonelastic taping and no taping in players with acute shin splints" (2017), compares KT Tape with nonelastic taping and no taping in active sports persons with shin splints, suggesting that the benefits of KT over other methods were not significant. These studies indicate that while KT Tape is a popular treatment method, its effectiveness compared to other treatments may vary.

Benefits of Using KT Tape for Shin Splints 

Infographic showing the benefits of using KT tape for shin splints.

KT Tape offers several benefits for individuals suffering from shin splints, making it a popular choice for pain management and recovery enhancement.

One of the primary advantages is its ability to reduce pain. By lifting the skin and relieving pressure on pain receptors, KT Tape can decrease the discomfort associated with shin splints, allowing for more comfortable movement and activity. This pain reduction is crucial for athletes and active individuals, as it enables them to continue training and competing with minimal disruption.

The tape also plays a significant role in the recovery process. By improving blood circulation in the taped area, KT Tape helps accelerate the healing process. 

Additionally, KT Tape provides muscle relaxation and support without restricting the range of motion. It stabilizes the affected area, reducing strain on the shinbone and surrounding tissues, preventing further injury, and aiding in the healing process.

Several case studies and research findings support these benefits. For instance, athletes who use KT Tape for shin splints often report quicker pain relief and faster return to full activity than those who don't. 

Applying KT Tape for Shin Splints

Applying KT Tape for shin splints involves a specific technique to ensure effectiveness and maximize benefits. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to tape for shin splints:

  • Preparation: Clean and dry the skin where the tape will be applied. If necessary, trim hair for better adhesion.
  • Base Application: Cut a strip of KT Tape long enough to cover the area from just below the knee to above the ankle. Anchor the tape without stretching it at the base of the shin, near the ankle.
  • Applying the Tape: Gently stretch the tape to about 50% of its elasticity as you apply it along the shinbone. This stretching is crucial as it creates the lifting effect needed for reducing pressure and improving circulation. Secure the end of the tape without stretch at the top of the shin, just below the knee.
  • Perpendicular Strips: Next, cut 2 more pieces of tape about half the size. Place them perpendicular to the other trip, pulling the tape at about 50% of its elasticity as you apply it across the shin bone. 
  • Rubbing the Tape: Firmly rub the tape to activate the adhesive. Heat from friction helps the tape stick better.

Here are some tips for effective application:

  • Ensure the skin is free of oils or lotions.
  • Apply the tape at least 30 minutes before engaging in physical activity.
  • Smooth out any wrinkles during application, as they can cause skin irritation.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Overstretching the tape can lead to skin irritation or reduced effectiveness.
  • Applying the tape on damaged skin, such as cuts or sunburns.

Proper application of KT Tape can be a game-changer in managing shin splints, offering support and pain relief while maintaining mobility.

Multi-Functional Uses of KT Tape 

Beyond its application for shin splints, KT Tape is versatile and can be used to address various sports injuries and musculoskeletal issues. Its elasticity and support capabilities make it suitable for a range of conditions, from minor sprains and muscle strains to more chronic conditions like tendonitis and arthritis.

In sports, athletes frequently use KT Tape for injury prevention and to accelerate recovery. Common applications include support for the knees, shoulders, elbows, and back. For instance, runners might use it for IT band syndrome, while tennis players often apply it to alleviate tennis elbow symptoms. The tape's ability to conform to the body and provide support without hindering movement makes it an ideal choice in high-mobility sports.

Moreover, KT Tape can be beneficial in postural correction and muscle re-education. Its proprioceptive feedback helps in maintaining proper body alignment, which is crucial in activities requiring precision and balance, such as gymnastics or ballet.

The multi-functional nature of KT Tape, coupled with its ease of use, makes it a valuable tool for professional athletes and anyone dealing with muscular or joint issues.

Accessibility and Cost-Effectiveness of KT Tape 

KT Tape stands out for its accessibility and cost-effectiveness, making it a viable option for a wide range of users. Compared to other sports recovery tools like braces or physical therapy sessions, KT Tape is relatively inexpensive. 

It can be applied by the individuals themselves, reducing the need for professional assistance. This do-it-yourself aspect is particularly appealing for athletes and active individuals seeking a quick and affordable solution for injury management.

The tape is widely available in sports stores, pharmacies, and online platforms, ensuring easy access for those in need. Learning resources, such as online tutorials and instructional videos, are abundantly available. These resources provide guidance on proper taping techniques for various injuries, including shin splints, making it easier for individuals to apply the tape effectively and safely.

The combination of affordability, ease of access, and the wealth of educational resources makes KT Tape a practical and appealing choice for managing sports injuries and enhancing recovery.

Limitations and Complementary Treatments 

While KT Tape is beneficial in managing conditions like shin splints, it's important to recognize its limitations and the value of complementary treatments. KT Tape should be viewed as a supplementary treatment rather than a standalone solution. It can provide symptomatic relief and support, but it does not address the underlying causes of conditions like shin splints.

Rest is often a crucial component of treating shin splints, allowing the body time to heal and recover from stress and strain. 

A specialized rehab program designed for shin splints can also play a vital role in recovery and prevention. A specialized program can help strengthen the muscles around the shin and improve flexibility, reducing the likelihood of recurrence.

In addition to these measures, proper footwear and modifying training routines can significantly impact the prevention and management of shin splints. Shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning can reduce stress on the shins, while gradual increases in training intensity help prevent overuse injuries.

Seeking professional guidance from healthcare providers, such as physical therapists or sports medicine specialists, is also advisable. These professionals can provide tailored advice and treatment plans, including appropriate exercises, footwear recommendations, and if necessary, more advanced treatments like orthotics or other supportive devices.

Therefore, while KT Tape is an effective tool for managing symptoms of shin splints, it is most beneficial when used in conjunction with a holistic approach to treatment that addresses the root causes and incorporates a range of therapeutic strategies.


Q: How long should KT Tape be worn for shin splints?

A: KT Tape can typically be worn for several days, up to a week, even during showering or swimming, as it is water-resistant. However, it's important to listen to your body and remove the tape if there is any discomfort or skin irritation. For ongoing issues, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Q: Can KT Tape be used during active sports?

A: Yes, one of the key benefits of KT Tape is that it can be worn during sports and other physical activities. Its elasticity allows for a full range of motion, making it suitable for use during active sports without hindering performance.

Q: How to remove KT Tape safely?

A: To remove KT Tape, gently peel it off in the direction of hair growth to minimize discomfort. It's recommended to do this after a warm shower as the heat helps loosen the adhesive. If there's difficulty or pain in removing the tape, applying baby oil or a similar product can help ease the removal.


KT Tape presents a practical, accessible, and cost-efficient method for managing shin splints and other sports-related injuries. Its ability to reduce pain, support injured areas, and facilitate a quicker recovery process while allowing for continued activity makes it a favored choice among athletes and active individuals. However, it's important to remember that KT Tape is most effective when used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach that includes rest, strength training, stretching, and professional medical advice. Encouraging a holistic approach to injury treatment and prevention, incorporating both traditional and innovative methods like KT Tape, can lead to better outcomes and a quicker return to activity. This balanced approach underscores the importance of understanding both the capabilities and limitations of therapeutic tools like KT Tape in sports medicine.


  1. Naderi A, Bagheri S. A Review of the Therapeutic and Protective Effects of Kinesio Taping and Foot Orthosis in Patients With Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome. Sports Health Res. 2023;12(1):[Page numbers if available]. doi:10.32598/sjrm.12.1.13.
  2. Sharma U, Sinha A. Comparison of effectiveness of kinesio taping with nonelastic taping and no taping in players with acute shin splints. Physiother - J Indian Assoc Physiother. 2017;11(1):[Page numbers if available]. doi:10.4103/PJIAP.PJIAP_4_17.
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About the author, Joe Armeli DPT

I'm Joe Armeli, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a movement enthusiast, and a fellow runner. I'm here to help you achieve your physical health and performance goals, whether you're just starting to run or are a seasoned vet. For questions or concerns, email me at [email protected]. Look forward to hearing from you!

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